What is an option set; option; value?
Link: https://youtu.be/-3KMHftdEr0
What is an option set and what is an option?
An option set is a collection of one or more options that you want to add to products. One option is a specific quality of the product the customer can customize (Eg.: Color) on the product.

Learn about creating option sets: Set up an option set
What are options and option values?
Each option has a name which is usually what the customer can customize with the option (eg.: Color, Size, Custom text etc.).
Some options can have values that are choices the customer can select from, for example if the option name is "Color", values could be "Red", "Blue", "White" etc.. You can add as many values to an option as you want.
Input option types like Text box, Mult-line text box, Number field, Date picker don't have values.

Learn about creating options: Set up options
Updated on: 28/03/2024
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