Can you create swatches with color or images?
Yes, you can create both color and image swatches.
Click the "Create option" button on the main page or the "Create new option" button on the option set page than choose the "Image swatch" or "Color swatch" type

Add a name to the option in the "Option name" field. The option name is what the customer can customize with this option (eg.: Color). The name provided here is what the customer will see on the storefront.
Add colors or images in the "Option values" section by clicking the drop zone. Next to the image/color add a "Value title" which will be visible below the image/color if the customer hovers over it on the storefront.

Option nickname: Internal name for the option that is not visible for the customer. By default it is the option name.
Required option: If this setting is enabled, the customer must make a selection to checkout.
Option description: Additional description for the option that will be visible to the customer under the option title. If you want to change the placement of the option description on the storefront, contact our support - we're happy to do it for you.
In-cart name: The name of the option in the cart. By default it is the same as the option name.

Allow multiple selection: If enabled, the customer can select multiple values in the option.
Maximum selectable values: Maximum number of values the customer can select. Only available if multiple selection is enabled.

Default: If it is checked in, the value will be pre-selected on the storefront.
Enlarge image on hover: If enabled, the swatch images will be enlarged if the customer hovers over them. Only available for image swatches.
Learn about changing the style of swatches: Change the style of options
1. Create a new option
Click the "Create option" button on the main page or the "Create new option" button on the option set page than choose the "Image swatch" or "Color swatch" type

2. Name your option and add images/colors to it
Add a name to the option in the "Option name" field. The option name is what the customer can customize with this option (eg.: Color). The name provided here is what the customer will see on the storefront.
Add colors or images in the "Option values" section by clicking the drop zone. Next to the image/color add a "Value title" which will be visible below the image/color if the customer hovers over it on the storefront.

3. (Optional) Set additional settings for the option and values
Additional settings for the option

Option nickname: Internal name for the option that is not visible for the customer. By default it is the option name.
Required option: If this setting is enabled, the customer must make a selection to checkout.
Option description: Additional description for the option that will be visible to the customer under the option title. If you want to change the placement of the option description on the storefront, contact our support - we're happy to do it for you.
In-cart name: The name of the option in the cart. By default it is the same as the option name.

Allow multiple selection: If enabled, the customer can select multiple values in the option.
Maximum selectable values: Maximum number of values the customer can select. Only available if multiple selection is enabled.
Additional settings for values

Default: If it is checked in, the value will be pre-selected on the storefront.
Enlarge image on hover: If enabled, the swatch images will be enlarged if the customer hovers over them. Only available for image swatches.
Learn about changing the style of swatches: Change the style of options
Updated on: 08/03/2024
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