Delete options and option sets
Deleting options
Deleting options can not be undone.
When you delete an option it will be deleted from all the option sets it was added to.
If you just want to remove the option from a specific option set, do the following:
Open the option set which you want to remove the option from
Click the "trash" icon next to the option
Save the changes

If you want to delete options permanently, you can do that by selecting them in the list on the main page then clicking the "Delete" button in the table actions. Alternatively, you can open the option and click the "Delete" button on the top right. These actions will delete the option from all option sets as well.

Deleting option sets
Deleting option sets can not be undone.
You can delete option sets by selecting them in the list on the main page then clicking the "Delete" button in the table actions. Alternatively, you can open the option set and click the "Delete" button on the top right.
When you delete an option set, the options it includes won't be deleted.

Updated on: 07/03/2024
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