Show the price of selected add-ons on the product page
You can show the total price of selected price add-ons on the product page below the options

Steps to enable this funcitonality:
Go to the "Customization & settings" page in the app
Check in the "Show total price of add-ons" setting

(Optional) Specify the storefront text when showing the price in the "Storefront text" field. By default it is "Total add-ons:"
Save the changes

Steps to enable this funcitonality:
Go to the "Customization & settings" page in the app
Check in the "Show total price of add-ons" setting

(Optional) Specify the storefront text when showing the price in the "Storefront text" field. By default it is "Total add-ons:"
Save the changes
Updated on: 07/03/2024
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