Articles on: App settings

Settings controlling add-on behaviour

You can access the app-wide settings of the app in the "Customazition & settings" page. In the first two sections of this page you can control how price add-ons behave.

Remove add-on products from cart if the base product is removed

If you want the add-ons to be removed from the cart if the base product is removed, turn on the EasyFlow app embed in the theme editor.

Add-on quantity should match product quantity

If this setting is checked in the add-on product quantity will always match the base product quantity. For example, if you sell T-shirts with an $8 price add-on for customization and the customer orders 4 T-shirts with customization the $8 price add-on will be charged 4 times as well.

Disable removing add-on products from the cart

If this setting is checked in the add-on product can't be removed from the cart and the quantity of the add-on product can't be changed in the cart.

This functionality highly depends on the theme that you're using and might not work on your theme. If you have issues with it, please contact our customer support so we can make it work on your theme.

Show total price of add-ons

If this setting is checked in the total price of selected price add-ons will be shown on the product page below the options. You can specify the storefront text when showing the price in the "Storefront text" field. By default it is "Total add-ons:"

Updated on: 07/03/2024

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